19 July 2020

Palestine and the Logical Heathen

17 July 2020

Patient Reader . . .

Look. Ok. I get it. Much of the world doesn't recognise Palestine, and most of those countries are in the West. However, 138 UN member countries DO consider Palestine as at least a partially recognised state, and a neighbour of Israel


but for some reason Zion and it's “Ists” seem to get the sympathy and the lion's share of, well, everything. 

I'm not going to go into the owner/operators of Google and/or Apple because you know what? It doesn't fucking matter. 

I'm no white supremacist. In fact, although white is in my background, I'm not considered white, especially by whites. My supremacy is still a matter of debate, however, as is the wearing of masks amongst the Replorables within the U.S. of A.  And if it seems I digress, don't worry; I'll be coming back ‘round to that, shortly. 

As I was saying, Palestine is under illegal occupation by the pseudo-country of Israel. I know, I know. It's a tribal thing. It's been happening for centuries, Canaanites Vs  Israelites, etc. 

Israel is no longer fighting for a State- they have it. Palestinians are no longer fighting to KEEP their State- they're now The Resistance, fighting occupiers marching in their streets, shooting at anyone in a keffiyeh. Okay, I'll be the first to say how I oversimplified the above. I'm aware of the nuances and the sudden twists and turns of the situation day to day. All I know is that, historically, the occupied have always beaten back the occupiers. It's just a matter of time. 
Earlier, I brought up the Replorables in government, and I am specifically calling out the governors and those in the Senate. 
Nobody wants to step up and join in the chorus of ‘wear a fucking mask, test, track and trace, and wash your hands/don't touch your face.’ Like it's a political thing. Like all we need to do is convert to Replorable Christianity and all will be well. 

You see, Jesus won't come back until Solomon's Temple is rebuilt. (Told you we’d be back to this).

Problem with that? Well, The Dome of the Rock, Al-Haram Al-Sharif in Jerusalem, currently occupies the site upon which Solomon's Temple existed. That's why the Christians are so hot to praise Zion, and why the Christians in Congress are so hot to give Israel circa 3.1 billion dollars per year.

Since the "founding” of Israel in 1948, and adjusting for inflation, we've given Israel somewhere in the area of 252.7 BILLION dollars. So, a quarter TRILLION dollars. That's 12 zeroes. That's right. Twelve.

By contrast, we used to give Palestine around $600 million a year, that is, until Donald J. Trump cut off aid to Palestine and moved our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, seemingly just to piss off every reasonable person in the world.  

Now we have map sites removing Palestine altogether because, well, why the fuck not?
Interesting also, is that the borders of Israel keep changing. It was once (in Moses’/Joshua’s day) bordered by Moab to the west (of the Dead Sea) Phoenicia to the northwest, Ammon, Geshur and Aram to the east-northeast, and more or less the Negev Desert to the south. 

Today, its borders are Lebanon to the north, Jordan to the east, The Mediterranean Sea to the west, and Egypt to the south. I've heard Zionists say Israel is meant to reach from the Nile to the Euphrates. No Arabs, no Semites at all save Israelis. All because of a book, a novel, really, a tome of ancient fucking folklore rife with mythology stolen from the Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians, etc. A book, simply put, rife with errors and contradictions. Just because Mother Goose said Jack and Jill went up the hill doesn’t necessarily make it fucking so.

That's all I have for now, as it's 0100 on a Friday, and I'm getting ready to hit the sack. But I'll be back with plenty more to say, ohhhh, you can West Bank on that. 

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